
Chief Mech Robin Lindsay FUNSTON - R54445
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Author:  BC [ Mon Jan 15, 2024 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Chief Mech Robin Lindsay FUNSTON - R54445

A sad day for the Mechanicians, MOBIs and all members of the Marine Engineering branch of the 1960s and 1970s.

Rob Funston was a quiet and unassuming character respected by many for his professional attitude to his work and his strong support he gave to family and friends. Rob and I were on the same Chief Engine Room Artificers Qualifying Course in 1969.


Bob Mummery

G’day all, our old mate Rob Funston passed away suddenly on Sat. last. He had been crook for some time with heart problems, and was able to spend Christmas at home. He went to the local shops and when he was finished went into the car park, got into his car and apparently died at the wheel, great way to go, but very stressful for the family. It’s a bugger, another close mate gone! lest we forget


Don Glasby

Rob's Vietnam Service consisted of 2 x Gun Line Tours in HMAS Hobart in 1967 and 1968.

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