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16606 viewsTop row: – Norm Rosser Terry Nichols Steve Sutton Buck Rogers N.K. Ghost Tichner Ace Walker
row 2:- Sam Ashton Peter Webb Blue Forte Graeme Archer John Creasey Bill ‘Camel’ Beetham John Buttle John Maloney Geoff Vickeridge ‘Taffy’ Ross ‘Beano’ Brown Alan ‘Snow’ Went Ken Chilvers Russell White Bob Rutkowsky
row 3:- ? Diciunas Dave Chetham Glenn MacDonald ‘Mad’ Burrows ‘Vic’ Townsend ‘Spoof’ Marengo Phil Chapman Geoff Williams Bill ‘Nuttsa’ Shaw Merv Daetz Ron Williams Warwick ‘Wok’ Cheetham Harvey Porter Rick Bourne
row 4:- Mick Heaney Bill Simmons John Burrell Bill Storey Aubrey King N.K. Jack Axford Bert Stapleford F.L. George N.K. Dickie Dyke Jack Sheppard Ted Sangwell N.K. Slim Harris
row 5:- Bob Guelpa Bob Kalinowski Bob Baker Rim Diciunas Dave Osborne Eric Noble Andy Galloway N.K. John Kaehler Dave Roberts
row 6:- Bill Forder ‘Admiral’ Boers ‘Spike’ Harding Ben Hall Kerry Smart Laurie Leeson Les Heindorff John Asplin Al Reilly Augie Maughan Bill Hanson

12th MOBI Intake OA's (Jan '62) with Don Roberts6102 views

Jan '68 ERAs of Dampier Division3729 views

3653 viewsHut 73

4th Muppet Intake (Jan 74)3515 views

Tiffy Top Up3350 views

24th MOBI Intake (Jan '68)3074 views

TMYNAI Annual Newsletter 20112956 views

13th MOBI Intake (July '62)2923 views

DVA Update Breaking News Special Budget Edition 2014-20152902 views

12th MOBI Intake (Jan '62) after the march2897 views

All Chippies at the Meet & Greet2866 views

The 13th Intake of Naval Artificer Apprentices - July 19622838 views

11th MOBI Intake (July 61)2820 views

Meet & Greet2782 views

27th MOBI Intake (July '69) at Museum dinner2703 views

Brian Carney & Ken Manning2678 views

Don & Eveline Ames2650 views

2nd MOBI Intake (Jan '57)2640 views(photo - Jack Lennon)

Andrew Leat2504 views

A letter like this slams home ZINC Chromate2482 views

1st MOBI Intake July '56 model all MOBI uniforms2440 views

Ceremonial Sunset2438 views

Terry Gunton (July 62)2433 views

17th MOBI Intake (July '64)2355 views

Our Liz2349 views

hut 73 group 22308 viewshut 73 group 2 1963

Ned at March2298 views

Jap Suicide Boat2222 views

HMAS Nirimba Fire Tender - Discovered after the Reunion...2196 views
361 files on 13 page(s) |
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